Come be our heroes

Plant Values, Harvest Happiness

Children aged 3 to middle school are invited to participate in a variety of home and community volunteer projects. We believe that a young age is the perfect time to instill values and build character. Volunteering helps children develop self-confidence, empathy, and social skills, while contributing to their physical and mental health. Join us and discover how your child can impact themselves and their surroundings.

Subscribe to the newsletter for updates, knowledge and surprises once a month - part of the newsletter is intended for interested children and volunteers



Giant Dolls

Dolls over 3 meters high as a donation to organizations and special education. Bringing joy to events and celebrations throughout the year.


Games for Blindness

Preparing games to learn Braille and tactile concepts for young children with blindness.

Stories for Toddlers with Disabilities

Children volunteer to write interactive stories for children with blindness and other disabilities – our startup – online volunteering.

חיבוק לב

Rolling Costumes

Children volunteer to make empowering costumes for Purim that turn a wheelchair into an advantage. We are the largest project in the world in this field.



Additional Projects

Flowers for lonely elderly, origami kits for hospitals, and more. We welcome collaborations and ideas


Invitation for Companies to Volunteer

As part of community volunteering, we allow companies to volunteer. The companies host us in their offices, and we conduct volunteer workshops that complement the children's volunteering. For example, in the Giant Dolls project, companies help prepare the doll itself, and the child volunteers create the interchangeable accessories according to the celebrated event and customize the doll's appearance accordingly.

"How wonderful that no one needs a single moment before he begins to improve the world."

Anne Frank

Who are we?

Helek Association - Education for Community Volunteering

Helek Association – Education for Community Volunteering. In 2019 we started a volunteer project, and in 2022 we registered as an association. Thousands of children have already participated in volunteering at community events, kindergartens, and dozens of schools that cooperate with us, and even directly from home independently. Our goal is to reach every child in the world. Our aim is to make the next generation a part of those who improve the world. For this purpose, we create many projects that allow children to practice empathy and take part in volunteering.

اCollaborations and Donors

Every Donation Works Wonders

Together we can make the ambitious possible. Support us and be part of our revolution for a better world. With your help, we can carry out more projects and reach more children. We are also an initiative under the umbrella organization Eretz Ir, and as such, we have Section 46a of the Income Tax Ordinance for donation recognition.