Community Volunteering Education

"Education is the most powerful weapon with which you can change the world."

Nelson Mandela

Welcome to the Helek association

In our vision, every child will volunteer from a very young age, when personality and values are being formed. They will discover the joy in giving, thereby growing into generous and empathetic individuals with strong values, making our world a better place. Helek Association, nearly two years old, is an exceptional educational and social initiative. Operating under the auspices of the 'Land City' umbrella association, we ensure proper management and full transparency for all involved and supporting us. Additionally, we have Article 46, granting our donors tax exemptions.

The purpose of the association

To sow seeds of empathy and volunteerism

The purpose of the association is to create opportunities and promote projects that encourage volunteering and empathy among young children. From preschool age through middle school. We see the potential in every child to positively change society. We aim to sow seeds of empathy and familiarize them with the excitement generated from giving, ingrained in their hearts from a young age. By focusing on these formative years, we can nurture a generation of children who will grow into adults who contribute to society and improve the world we live in.

International Projects

We strive to reach every place in the world and are happy to collaborate

At Helek Association, we recognize the immense importance of creating connections and collaborations around the world. We create many projects that allow children to volunteer, and now we also look globally. We believe in the power of volunteering to cross borders, and therefore we offer a wide variety of projects that can be performed remotely, allowing everyone, no matter where they are, to be part of the good we are creating. One of our projects now allows participation in volunteering via the internet. Suitable for many languages, it focuses on creating interactive stories for children with visual impairments and blindness. A global project that is also suitable for integration into language and foreign language subjects, the project allows volunteers from all over the world to participate and contribute to the reading experience of these children, while encouraging learning and personal development. The project will also be expanded to other areas of disability and will have a dual impact. But there are more projects that could suit your community.

 Join us because together we can create positive change and impact the lives of children around the world

Funding Association Activities

Our association subsidizes the volunteer activities for educational institutions and the community and is open to all children, both as groups and as individuals and families. The projects are free of charge for the children. It is important to us that this remains so, to enable especially in places where they are less accessible, the opportunity for education to volunteer. The association's income comes from conducting volunteer workshops in commercial companies. These not only help and volunteer and complete the children's volunteering but also help with funding—double impact. And from donations from bodies and individuals who believe it is important to cultivate the next generation to improve the world.

מתנדבים בסדנא בHP

Collaborations and donors of the association

We are waiting for you - join us

Be part of the "Tikkun Olam" that we are creating

Together, we will change the world for the better

Best regards
Michal Ben Shabtay, chairman of the Helek association